Loudest Sound Ever?

I really like this guy's YouTube channel and I thought several (maybe a few?) of
you guys would enjoy wasting(?) six minutes...


Actually does a good job of quickly explaining SPL. 
Its 10 o'clock...do you know what your SPL is?


Showing 6 responses by barts

@fuzztone PM
@tomic601 Been on CVN-65 launching F-14s. Love it.
@middlemass particularly LOUD I assume.

@tomic601 I was in the Marine Corps in the field in NC on a base that had a steam catapult for practicing prior to going hot on a boat.
We were carrier capable but not assigned to a carrier.

Me and couple of buddies are walking in an open space to get to the catapult and an F-4 comes up on us from behind at just over 100 ft and
lights the burners at the same time. Seriously knocked us to our knees.
That was probably the loudest thing I ever heard and I had "ears" on.


@rodman99999   I thought the same...how could there be a "bang" if there was no medium for the sound to travel through.

As well as the old saw "If a tree falls in the woods..........etcetera"

My son and I would go to Englishtown Raceway Park for the drags every year, we would go on Friday for qualifying, very few fans, drivers and mechs very accessible.

One our first trip we went directly to the pits and watched a top fuel team prep the car.  We were only 3 feet off the rear tires (no ropes on Friday)
and they started that bitch up, my 12 year old son is grinning ear to ear...then the mech nails the throttle and it knocked him to his knees.

We jumped back and got upwind because the nitro burns the crap out of you eyes and lungs.  Could barely see for a few minutes. 

Sadly Raceway Park is no longer.

@millercarbon But what about Supertramp "loud".  Must be near the envelope to crush matter into a singularity, yes?  And, as an aside, I particularly like the Hawking theory that black holes evaporate!  Wowzers that some critical listening/thinking.  No snark.
