LOUDEST Concert and Tinnitus

This is a two part question.

1. What is the loudest concert (or event) that you have attended?

2. How long have you had tinnitus, is it getting better or worse and how are you dealing with it?

Personally, the loudest concert was UB40 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver. Loudest event was drag racing at SIR (Seattle International Raceway) which was like sticking your head in a jet engine.

Regarding tinnitus. Over the past year or so I have noticed a constant high pitched "sound" in my ears. Mostly the left ear. At this point I don't actually know if it is constant or whether I just forget about it sometimes. I know use a white noise box when I go to sleep. Otherwise I tend to fixate on the ringing.


Showing 4 responses by larsman

Some of the ones that had my ears ringing for days were in no particular order, 

Grand Funk

The Cars (Panorama tour - everything cranked to 11!)


The Killers (everything super-loud and super-distorted)

The Verve (everything super-loud and super-distorted)

In the older days, the PA gear just wasn't as good and would distort, making the volume just that much worse. These days, it's more down to the sound crew, I think, as I've heard some of these bands at other times, even in the same venue, and the sound was great.

I've had tinnitus for many years; it's a hissing sound that is sometimes louder and sometimes softer, but it's relatively easy to ignore. 

With all those entries, it's a shame there's no measurement of distortion, too, or the measurements can be misleading as far as the subjective experience. 

@sejodiren - I saw U2 on that first tour as well, at the Old Waldorf in San Francisco; they played 2 shows in one night; I got to stick around for both. 

@sejodiren - and I worked in the local wholesale record business at the time, so one of our local WEA reps (Bam Bam!) also got me a Warner Brothers live U2 promo-only album; I think that's pretty rare these days.