LOUDEST Concert and Tinnitus

This is a two part question.

1. What is the loudest concert (or event) that you have attended?

2. How long have you had tinnitus, is it getting better or worse and how are you dealing with it?

Personally, the loudest concert was UB40 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver. Loudest event was drag racing at SIR (Seattle International Raceway) which was like sticking your head in a jet engine.

Regarding tinnitus. Over the past year or so I have noticed a constant high pitched "sound" in my ears. Mostly the left ear. At this point I don't actually know if it is constant or whether I just forget about it sometimes. I know use a white noise box when I go to sleep. Otherwise I tend to fixate on the ringing.


Showing 1 response by grossman616

The Raveonettes at Mercury Lounge NYC spring 2005???

Small room, low ceiling - band cranked up to 11 or 12!!!  I think they wanted to hurt us.

Ears were ringing for 2 days.

I was a DJ at The Peppermint Lounge way back when BUT we never hand any band play nearly as loud as them. Of course it was a gigantic venue compared to Mercury - but Jeez!!

As far as tinnitus, I notice in the winter ( dryer air?) that I get some background noise almost like tape hiss or test tones that comes and goes.

Luckily nothing that normal listening levels can't override BUT I'm no spring chicken and I have spent many years working in clubs, arenas, recording studios, mixing /editing rooms, etc. I'm surprised how good my hearing still is.

I don't know how long my luck will last....

I use a dB app on my phone now if I doing "critical" listening at home to help monitor the enjoyment