Loud Snapping when turning amp ON and OFF

I hooked up a new (used) Eagle 2 amp into my system last night, turned off all the sources and turned down the volume on the preamp. When I switched on the amp there was a loud (evil and dangerous sounding) SNAP! then metallic sounding ZITTTT! noise through both speakers. I shut off the amp and heard the same noise, more evident this time through the right channel, followed by a noise sort of like ssssffffttt!

So I checked all the grounds, and changed out the preamp to a reference Line passive. Same noise happened again, so I left it one and played some tunes through the system.

Amp sounds killer, very authoritative bass, but the ON/OFF noise is downright scary as if the next time one of the Celestion SL 600 speakers could turn to toast.

Thoughts? Speculations? Thanks in advance. Kolledog

Showing 1 response by joefama

No Bi0drain,

Power amplifier is always "Last to turn on" and "first to turn off". Reason because of the power amp having the most electricity current.

Chime in if you agree or disagree.
