
Discussions joefama has started

Best Sounding CD / SACD player under 15K3715950
Mcintosh MCD-500 vs Esoteric X-05145554
Classe DR-6 vs DR-6R difference ?118203
Threshold 550e power amp fuse help ?223102
Power Amp shut down sound thru R speaker ??19501
Any Sonic Benefit Tri-Wire vs Bi-Wire vs Single ?27744
Mordaunt - Short System 442 Speakers. SWEET137454
Mordaunt Short speakers . Tri-wire vs Single wire90015
How to Remove MONSTER CD rings without damage43535
How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp1840838
Postive or Negative Results -Big Amp & Conditioner756112
Line Conditioner:To plug or not to plug Big Amp in1071012
Most Quiet TUBE Preamp. Linestage. $ 12K or less2169639
Louder Hum from amp and Thump, thump sound spkrs427894