Lossless iTune music

Do you listen mobile device music from your system?  I use ipad instead of CD player now.  I rip music from CD to lossless file in computer then import to iTune and Bluetooth stream music from iPad to my system.  I tried Tidal, but didn’t like to pay $19 a month subscription fee.  If you store hifi music on mobile device, where do you get it from?  Thanks

Showing 2 responses by randy-11

you could plug a DAC into your tablet - use the Toslink port to get galvanic isolation
"better more capable hardware could do on higher levels"


if an ipad and some other device using the same files are serving up a bit stream to the same outboard DAC, I fail to see how another device is better or more capable or at a higher level.

In fact, if the ipad is on battery power while operating. you eliminate a gnd loop thru the p/s

Easier to use might apply.