Losing Touch

You know sometimes I feel that I have lost touch with why I have been into audio/music since the 70's. I have been sitting at my computer this morning doing a bunch of nothing when I opened up Tidal and started cruising the "Masters" listings. I have The Cars "Candy-O" playing right now through my Audioengine 5+ and sub. Damn what fun. Do I have it playing too loud? Yup. The MUSIC is wonderful. The quality is great. Isn't this what it is all about? Getting into it fully. "Candy-O I need you so." Had to share. Have a good listen. 
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Showing 1 response by bondmanp

I never stopped listening to The Cars, or Ric's solo stuff (which I prefer to The Cars stuff).  Exploring for new music has been an obsession of mine, even at the ripe old age of 57.  Internet radio has been a huge help in this.  I have recently discovered many new bands and singers, especially a lot of good, if obscure, EDM and Electronica.  If you like The Cars, you might like a lot of the newer Electronica, which has its roots in 80's synth rock.