Losing out

I'm a little ticked.  Was having a good convo with a seller and was afforded the opportunity to respond/commit to buy by the end of the day.  I did.  Lo and behold.  Sold to another.  Wasn't given a courtesy heads up that an offer had come in even though I was within the time frame noted.   Am I wrong to be irritated?  I don't operate that way.  Even with people I don't know I do the right thing.  Don't believe the right thing was done today by a highly graded seller.  

Showing 2 responses by tubegroover

Drpat, I see absolutely NO reason why you needed to wait until the end of the day to make a decision other than to mull over whether or not you wanted to make the deal or not. Why should the seller feel obligated to such uncertainty, on a promise that you will let him know? I wonder how many times a dealer hears that. I am no dealer but I’ve heard it many times, this is not uncommon. There is a difference between promise and commitment and it has nothing to do with being treated fairly. I’m sorry but your analogy to your clients is completely different. You DO have a business relationship with them and therefore an obligation, in this case there is no obligation on either side.

Let’s look at this deal from the seller’s perspective. Yes, you had good communication and yes, you promise that you will let him know one way or another by EOD. But before EOD a solid offer arrives. Should the seller tell the committed buyer at that point to hold on until "I receive word back from a guy that "promised" me he would get back to me by the end of the day. Seriously? This is business and it happens everyday The seller is a businessman and absolutely did not act in bad faith. He just acted in a manner that is probably quite routine to him on a daily basis. I think if your position is "I treat my clients fairly" and by inference the seller did NOT treat you fairly is in itself naive and unreasonable. A commitment will trump a promise with anyone that is in business and used to dealing with a fickle public, particularly audiophiles :), lesson learned should be, don’t hesitate on your first instinct!
ah, gshepardbuster your words hold wise in likelihood, a thing to welcome and anticipate drpat, the wind may still be at your back afterall.