Looking to upgrade from Rotel 1062 integrated

I'm looking to upgrade from my Rotel RA-1062 integrated amp. I've been happy with it, but I recently upgraded to a pair of beautiful Vienna Acoustics Bach Grand speakers and feel like I can get more out of them. I mostly listen to cds with a Rotel 1072 cd player, which will likely be upgraded in the not too distant future as well, and to vinyl on a Rega P1 table. It's not a knockout system by Audiogon standards, but I've fallen in love with some recordings on it.

So can anyone recommend a next step amp? I'm also wondering whether it makes sense to go with another integrated or with a pre-amp / power amp combo? I'd like to keep the amp to under $2500.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Showing 1 response by kotta

I won't worry what others may think, nor about the cost of one's system. You have a VERY nice system. (And you enjoy it!) Before you go a spend a fortune, have you considered perhaps "Tweeking" your !062? Upgrade the IEC chassis plug (Furatech) and spk. binding posts. Very noticeable sonic improvements. Also, cabling makes a very real differance. There are many, many ways you can go if you decide to upgrade. (My older modified Rotel seperates sound GREAT and I spent a song on them.) Good Luck and hope you continue to enjoy the music.