Looking to upgrade & downsize. Krell s-300i?

Thinking about buying a Krell s-300i integrated. The Krell would replace:
McCormack Power Drive DNA-0.5
Audio Research SP9 MKII

Sold the Linn LP12 and all my records.

I currently have:
Sony ES CDP (will need to replace as well)

Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home (newer front ported model)

G4 Powerbook. All music sits on 2 very large external HD's. All music ripped with Apple lossless. In the path is a new Music Fidelity V-DAC.

All interconnects are Transparent Music Link Plus, and Speaker cable is MIT Terminator 4.

Any and all input is appreciated.

Showing 1 response by waynefia

Got rid of the Linn ? Did you you rip all the vinyl to digital, or just get out of vinyl ? Just curious as I am in a similar area .