Looking to Upgrade and enter Hi-Fi world

OK, so last time I bought speakers about 5 years ago, I thought I was spending a lot of money when buying Klipsch speakers SF1 at $400.00 a piece. The set-up of my room has changed and I can no longer host four towers. Well I visited Sound Advice and guess what I think I am hooked on the Electra Be Floorstands. The problem is that they are way out of my budget of about 3K for the set. Already stretched up from the 2K I originally thought I would spend. I know I will spend some additional money on speaker wire and AMP upgrades I hope to time those alog with completing the system with a center, sub and rears.

Is it realistic to think that I could find a pair of used Electra Be's for that budget? I currently have a Yamaha 100W per channel Receiver, what would be the next step upgrade the receiver or add an AMP or two mono AMPS. I am charting unfamiliar territory here. I hope to make some solid steps toward a system that can be built to enjoy for music, mostly Rock and Instrumental. DVD Concerts and maybe 15% movies.

My room, the set-up is narrow about 10 feet and a little long 24 Feet. The listening position must be at about 8 feet. I had to add a desk where my floor stands once stood.


Showing 1 response by bucketjr

Forget subs and rears just focus on 2 channel. Look at TAS recommended speakers for a place to start also check the 6 moons site. You can double your purchasing power by buying used on Audiogon. Also chek Audio Asylum archive for user comments and reviews. Are you looking for tubes or SS ? How will speaker efficiency match amp's rated power? Integrated amp is the way to go on a budget. Remember to check number of inputs. Good used tuners are fairly cheap, add it later.