Looking to upgrade amp, need help.

I am currently looking to upgrade my amplifier. My current system is:
Focal 836v's
NAD C375Bee
NAD C546 cd player
Project debut carbon with Ortofon 2m bronze

I listen to both vinyl and CD's. Mostly classic rock but also a wide variety of music at times.  

My budget is $1500-$2000, probably purchase used to get more bang for my buck. I don't have a preference between SS or tubes, but don't have experience with tubes (but think they would be a good match for the Focals).

Any input is greatly appreciated!!


+1 for the Esoteric integrated.  Its a great deal.  You could also look at a Parasound Halo Integrated.  You should be able to pick up a used one for 1700-1800.00 or a new one for around 2200-2300.00.  I went from a Rogue Cronus Magnum 100wpc tube amp to the Parasound Halo and in my room the Parasound sounds much better.


I listen to 95% rock and out of that 70% is Classic Rock. It all sounds fantastic on my system which certainly isn’t mid fi. Funny you mention CSN&Y, as I listened to Deja Vu on my VPI Prime Saturday afternoon with a ZU/Denon DL103 cartridge played through a Rogue RP-5 tube preamp, an Odyssey Stratos Extreme amp to my GE Triton 1 speakers. The sound was quite breathtaking and I heard no timing errors, just pure blissful music. So, in regards to what you posted, I am not buying it.

@nocrapman  This change is mostly geared towards the fact that I think I can get more from the Focals than the NAD gives, and fortunately I have some money to play with ☺️  When I auditioned the Focals, the amp they had hooked up was a Krell S-300i, and it sounded fantastic.  

Already so many good posts on this thread and a lot of great looking amps mentioned!

Also, I am not concerned about the phone stage on the amp because I am using the Pro-Ject Tube Box S phono preamp (forgot to post that in the beginning)

I am torn between tubes or SS.  Before I posted this thread I was already looking at:
Krell S300i
Rega Elicit-R
Rogue Cronus Magnum II
Audio Research VSI60 that's on AudiogoN right now for ~2k

Now I also like what I read about Jolida, BAT, Parasound, PrimaLuna.

Decisions decisions!
I have an Audio Refinement (YBA) component stack for sale that would work great with your speakers and budget:

AR Complete tuner
AR Complete CD player
AR Complete integrated

The AR integrated beat out a Rogue Cronus Magnum side by side for warmth and musicality in my system tests.  Plus, very very good reviews.  You could have all 3 of the above with remote for $1000 plus shipping...
I totally agree with the Rega recommendations above. This set-up on Canuck Audio will fill your life with joy (the phono stage on the Cursa preamp will destroy the Project BTW, which you can sell, and the Exon monoblocks will best the Elicit-R):
