looking to replace Fyne speaker jumper cable

Hello All,

looking to a upgrade jumper cable to replace the standard one comes with my Fyne F704 speaker, any advise will be really appreciated. 


Showing 5 responses by jayctoy

Nordost cable has one, ZenSati available I think on TMRaudio.com. Kimber are good too.

Honestly with my experience biwire is better than jumpers, On biwire my plinius sa100 and diapason produce more holographic sound, more relax and bigger soundstage.Iam using silver jumper as well .

Even on my Noerh 9 speakers and plinius Sa100 combo the result is the same using anticable on bass and late Paul silver cables on high ,Iam not sure if Audioquest dragon jumper will beat biwire. Iam fan of audioquest dragoon series cables.

Jafox with respect to you good silver cables can achieve what the OP wants to achieve on treble.But it has to be done right and with the right cable. Audioquest dragon jumper will be my choice. Is there any guarantee it will work ? No, This hobby is trial and error at times.The only way to know is try it.Cables should be match properly to the system. I agree cables should not be use as band aid.

Dekay agree. Iam using the Jumper per Nordost instruction. It work well for my Redrose monitor and Diapason speakers and my wharfedale speakers.