looking to replace Fyne speaker jumper cable

Hello All,

looking to a upgrade jumper cable to replace the standard one comes with my Fyne F704 speaker, any advise will be really appreciated. 


Showing 2 responses by jafox

Why would you ever want to run the speaker cables to the woofer terminals and then jumper to the high terminals?  Don't you want the purist signal to your mids and trebles?  And then you want to change to 4-6" silver jumpers serialized with your 8' copper cables to bring on greater treble?  I think you will have to strain very hard to hear any difference by doing this.

If your system is lacking treble extension, fix it at the source of the problem.  Using cables as bandaids to compensate for tonal incoherency is never a good idea.  And there is no guarantee that silver here or anywhere else in your system will fix your problem.  It's not always the wire material, but rather the cable design and implementation.

@roxy54 - "Purest" indeed.  Thanks mom.  😊.

I have not been a user of Purist Audio cables for 15+ years.  The product line was lacking resolution and too soft on the top.

Rather than spin your wheels on this jumper quest, consider trying a different speaker cable altogether.  The Wireworld product line is a good suggestion.  Another is Silent Source.  I just sold an 8' Silent Source Ref speaker cable pair for $2100. It has a bit of a mellow presentation but its tonal coherency is outstanding ....... and it's construction is silver wire.