Looking to hear new systems in New Jersey

I am looking to hear some new systems in New Jersey. I want to expand my experience with different system sounds so that I can hear and improve my system.

Let me know if you are interested. Sent me a message through Audiogon.

Thank you.

Showing 12 responses by ctsooner

Also Johnny Rutan (who posts here often) in Verona will take plenty of time and listen to what you want to listen to. He's become my favorite dealer by far and I've been to over 50 stores around the country in the last couple of years. The society sounds like a great start though.
Thafler, I don't understand what you are trying to say. What is professional calibration? I know what it is for video as I have it done to all my sets for all inputs, but audio? I must be missing something here. If you are talking about programs that are basically eq devices, why do you need a professional to use one? Just trying to learn....thanks.
Thanks for the reply Thaler. I've heard systems that are set up like this and for the most part I'm still on the fence. I've heard them loose a bit of life at times. Similar to what I've heard with some (named and expensive) power cables/boxes. If you have a difficult room, I fully get it, but my rooms over the years have been pretty good overall. A simple hung quilt or a plant in the corner has done the trick. As for setting up the speakers with lasers etc...I'm a proponent. Vandersteen has been doing this for years and it works. I have a program within Amarra that I can use to eq things, but I've still be reluctant. I heard the Lyndorf that Macintosh rebrands clean up a nasty 50z node in a dealers show room here in CT and it worked wonders. , so I'm not saying it doesn't work. I just think that if you have a dealer who knows his products that he can set them up properly in most any room. I doubt if the 'calibration' can fix poor components, but I FULLY understand what you are saying.
Interesting marketing for me as to me, it's just another reason we pay a dealer mark up and that's to set up their speakers properly in our spaces. I guess is kind of agree, lol.
Not sure what you are looking for. Don't want clubs and don't want a dealer. Just guys to go listen to their systems?
Oh, ok...Funny, I just got invited to listen to two systems in NJ then, lol....
Legal in many states now.  I have MS and helped get CT to legalize it, but won't use it. I have cognitive issues and I can't make them worse, lol, plus I can't use it when I travel outside the state, so there's that too.....  :)

2, I didn't understand your post. Sorry, I tried to figure it out. That's the MS part of things for me.  I knew it was probably funny, but I can't get it.  :)

Oh, Johnny is as good as they get nationally.  I've been to so many stores over the years and he's special.
Oh, thanks.  Yes, I knew it would be funny. Hate asking folks to explain themselves, but my MS is cognitive also and I don't always understand like I used to. Thanks goodness it hasn't affected the ears, lol...
Oh, I do.  Pain is mental. lol  HA  that's why it's important for me to have a great audio system.  lol