Looking to get the best out of Redbook Cd listening with Dac a d Transport under 5K?

Hi guys! Ex Audiophile out of touch for many years now! Looking to purchase Dac and Transport to listen to my large Cd collection! Not sure where to go! Thanks Larry
Get a R2R Ladder Dac like Mojo Mystique 
Jays Transport 
Black Cat Digital Cable 
Analog sounds with dynamics of cds

I didn't read every word, but if you have a full-blown Modwright Oppo 105, that's going to be pretty expensive to beat, IMO.  A friend of mine dumped his Linn Klimax for the MW 105.  The older ones, I can't say.  
OP - did you say you are using an Oppo now? And a modded one at that? If I read right - I'd say you already have your transport (assuming the mod didn't kill the digital outputs). Just get a DAC...
I recommend the Cambridge Audio CXC cd transport.  This transport does one thing only.  It reads CDs, nothing else and it does a fantastic job.  I think you can still find version 1 on Amazon. for $399.  The new version is little bit more expensive.  I tried this unit with a Rega Dac, a Micromega MyDac, an old Cambridge Audio Dac and a Musical Fidelity V90 Dac,  I was never disappointed on how well this unit read all my CD's

Best of luck. 
I am very happy with my Oppo 105, which I moded the incoming IEC with silver wire loom and Furutech IEC to the power supply board. That alone was amazing improvement,I then upgraded the OEM power supply to a Linear Power Module (both from Ebay) ~ $300 for both. You will be amazed. It is long know the 105s weakest link is the power supply

I also treated the tray with Machina Dynamica New DARK Matter, which I highly recommend to anyone spinning  CDs ($39!)

Since the 105 has XLR outs AND VVC, you can connect it direct to your amp/s, which is how I do it
IMHO, try these and you will be hard pressed to get significantly better sound without spending a ton

You can find used 105s ~ $800 + the mods
