Looking for wider soundstage

My system consists of:

parasound a21+ amp for LF

rogue st 100 dark for HF

Aurender  n10

schiit Yggy dac

don sachs 2 preamp

legacy signature se speakers 

Looking for wider soundstage  room is not treated but it’s not bad and I have moved speakers around  Thanks for any advice  I have believed my amps could be better but not sure  thanks in advance 



Showing 1 response by peterf6

You probably know this, since you referred to treatments, but the soundstage often depends on keeping out confusing reflections between speakers and ears. Your TV is reflecting and your couch is absorbing. If you can put a first reflection absorber on the right (facing the system) you might find an interesting change. Use the mirror test and find the first reflection point, and during listening, put a portable panel -- there. Hide it away when you're not listening. A reasonable WAF compromise. Enjoy!