Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000

Right now I have an ARC ref5se and its nice but looking for something of similar quality but warmer (maybe Vac, CJ or something you think will fit well). Looking for smooth sound, full mid range.



Showing 1 response by mesch

I own two of Aric Audio products. One the Special preamp which I purchased from Aric as a demo and the other the Transcend KT88 PP bought used here on AG for ~30% of  current retail. I love both as highly valued great sounding pieces. 

My experience is that Aric is most congenial in his dealings, honest about his products, transparent in his advise, generous with his time and knowledge, and enjoyable to talk with. 

Should I ever own a truly efficient speaker I would not hesitate to purchase one of his SET amplifiers. I believe that his products will hold value as well as any.  Customer support is as good as any. 

It is known by most in this hobby that if one orders a made on demand, one of a kind component, that it would have limited resale market value should it be put up up for sale.