Looking for warm sounding speakers

Looking for upgrading my present speakers (ADS L 1090) with something more modern. My preference is tilted towards warm sounding laid back speakers not aggressive in the mid range and not hyper detailed.
Electronics consist of RA opus 21 cdp, Symphonic Line Tube preamp and SS amp (130W/ch).

Want to remain in < 3K price range used or new.


Showing 2 responses by fishboat

Anytime I hear Vandys as a solution I have to suggest Snell Type A's (AIII ot AIIIi). I've heard the Vandy 2 & 3s..the Snell Type A's are a step up (imho). They are 4 ohm @86dB, but 130watts at 8 ohms should be enough power.

I run my Type A2's with a tube pre & McCormack DNA1..very nice..
Sorry..Johnnyr..I should have been more clear..I was referring to the modern versions of the Vandy 2 & 3's. I listened to both in the last couple years(whatever version was out at the time) and wasn't all that taken with the 2's. The 3's are nice. I also attended a local audio meeting at a shop where Richard Vandersteen gave a talk about his design philosphy..etc. Richard was very well spoken & seemed like a good guy, but what he's doing with speakers seemed very similar to what Peter Snell tried to do with the Type A's. That's not a bad thing & not trying to stir any pots..Vandy makes nice speakers..this was just my takeaway after his talk.

I have two sets of Type A's (an A2 set & A3 set). My only suggestion, although they can be hard to find, is that "warm sounding speakers" fits well with the Type A's. If someone likes the Vandy sound then Snell is worth a look. The price is surely right and a pair set up well with good power & source will compete well with anything in the <3K price range. There is a pair on agon now (no relation) that are priced a little on the high side, but in range of an offer..so I guess they are priced right for a start..and the woofers have been redone. If they were a 1000 miles closer..I'd look at them.