Sorry..Johnnyr..I should have been more clear..I was referring to the modern versions of the Vandy 2 & 3's. I listened to both in the last couple years(whatever version was out at the time) and wasn't all that taken with the 2's. The 3's are nice. I also attended a local audio meeting at a shop where Richard Vandersteen gave a talk about his design philosphy..etc. Richard was very well spoken & seemed like a good guy, but what he's doing with speakers seemed very similar to what Peter Snell tried to do with the Type A's. That's not a bad thing & not trying to stir any pots..Vandy makes nice speakers..this was just my takeaway after his talk.
I have two sets of Type A's (an A2 set & A3 set). My only suggestion, although they can be hard to find, is that "warm sounding speakers" fits well with the Type A's. If someone likes the Vandy sound then Snell is worth a look. The price is surely right and a pair set up well with good power & source will compete well with anything in the <3K price range. There is a pair on agon now (no relation) that are priced a little on the high side, but in range of an I guess they are priced right for a start..and the woofers have been redone. If they were a 1000 miles closer..I'd look at them.