Looking for thoughts on Sonus Faber speakers

Looking for a smooth natural midrange and high end...particularly regarding the human voice.  I enjoy detail...but don't like an analytical sound.  I think most tweeters today are fatiguing.   I enjoy the overall presentation of Harbeths...but want more low end.  I have had one audition of the Sonetto V's and was impressed...but what else might I consider?  


Greg S.


Showing 1 response by daveyf

IMO, there are basically two different sounds to the SF camp. The original speakers designed by Franco Serblin are to my ears more accurate to the sound of live voice and strings. The newer sound, after Franco, are more forgiving of upstream error and are easier to implement. The original Homage series are a high point that i dont think SF have quite managed to get close to again.

Incidentally, has anyone heard of the new and upcoming reissue of the Stradivarius release?