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Looking for TEAC Esoteric P-70 CD-Transport power transformers
Dear all.
I used 9 years a Teac Esoteric P-70 CD-Transport as my system source and got a superb quality out of it.
Lately I made a mistake and burnt its 2 power transformers by input of 230 Vac instead of 110 Vac.
The 2 transformer primary sections burnt.
Now, I am looking to replace those 2 transformers.
The Teac service Center in USA, Germany and Japan said that it is obsolete (do not have it any more).
They appears at page 7 it ems 2-23 and 2-24 of the device Service Manual):
1. E00561920A power transformer, RCOA A (US, C)
2. E00561820A power transformer, RCOA D (US, C)
I disassembled them from the device and found on them the following:
Both of them are 30VA R-core transformers made by KITAMURA KIDEN CO. Japan
1. E005618-20A KRT-15-P-007S3 K2X3SK TT2KY1
2. E005619-20A KRT-10-P-007S1 K2X3SK TT2KY1
I also tried to find a live e-mail to contact KITAMURA KIDEN Co. to order those transformers with no success.
Please anyone, Please help me find those
(new, second hand or just a live contact to KITAMURA KIDEN Co.).
Thanks in advance