Looking for suggestions...

...on an integrated amp, at least 50 watts per channel, prefer 2 sets of speaker outs, st output for powered sub, phono input, and one balanced in would be a real plus. This will be used in an evolving system, mainly to audition mixes I've done in my home recording studio, and do light mastering - so "neutrality" is preferred over "musicality". Iow, I need to hear what's been recorded, with as little flattery as possible. Also will be used for general hifi enjoyment though...

Caveat here is that I'm on a low budget - can spend just up to $1200 on the int amp, so likely looking at 2nd hand. So far I've liked the Exposure 2010 in this price range, but it lacked a few of the features I'd really like. Offers, suggestions, recommendations much appreciated.

Atoll does have phono stages for all of their pre/int amps:


I like the fact that you can have them or not - your choice. Re: your other comments - yes, more speakers would be nice but is it really necessary? And as I am not a fan of balanced connections for short runs, I can't comment. But, given a choice, I will take better sound/build quality over minor* features any day.

*minor to me, that is. YMMV
I guess for my purposes, these are more "must haves" than for many hifi users - I'm integrating it into a pro-audio setup (my recording studio), where all the connections are balanced, so a balanced in would be nice. As for the 2nd set of speakers, it's for AB comparisons with a radically different set of speakers, good for checking multitrack audio mixes. Again I realize these are things that many audiophiles don't necessarily need, but they seem to be present on quite a few hifi amps nonetheless. Just not the ones in my price bracket!
I managed to pick up a Rotel 1052, dirt cheap, on Craig's List. This is not nearly as high-end as my goal, and has too many gozinta gozoutas, but it'll keep me happy until I find the right piece. Question - how much better, if any, is an NAD C372 in comparison? If it's too similar, I'm definitely gonna have to stay focused on the higher end stuff.
OK - never mind, I see that Rotel vs NAD has been well covered in other threads. Upwards and onwards! :)
Given my original post, how about an Anthem 225? This has all the features I want except for a 2nd pair of speakers, is priced so that I could stretch my budget a little and get a new one (or find a used one), and seems to get as good reviews as anything. Anyone have experience with this amp, opinions pro or con? Thanks in advance.