
Responses from fretman

Anthem 225 V Exposure 2010S Anyone ?
I was just about to start this same thread. I heard an Exposure, in a dealer room, and it did sound very "right", just as reviewed. I'd almost given in to grabbing one, when I saw the Anthem 225 - the feature set is closer to what I'm looking for,... 
Looking for suggestions...
Given my original post, how about an Anthem 225? This has all the features I want except for a 2nd pair of speakers, is priced so that I could stretch my budget a little and get a new one (or find a used one), and seems to get as good reviews as a... 
Looking for suggestions...
OK - never mind, I see that Rotel vs NAD has been well covered in other threads. Upwards and onwards! :) 
Looking for suggestions...
I managed to pick up a Rotel 1052, dirt cheap, on Craig's List. This is not nearly as high-end as my goal, and has too many gozinta gozoutas, but it'll keep me happy until I find the right piece. Question - how much better, if any, is an NAD C372 ... 
Looking for suggestions...
I guess for my purposes, these are more "must haves" than for many hifi users - I'm integrating it into a pro-audio setup (my recording studio), where all the connections are balanced, so a balanced in would be nice. As for the 2nd set of speakers... 
Looking for suggestions...
The Atoll looks nice - I love the simplicity of it (really no need for balance, tone controls imho), and the reviews stress the neutrality of it, again, good. But - only one pair speakers, no (included) phono input, and no balanced inputs - I'd re... 
Looking for suggestions...
Reviews on the NAD C372 sound perfect. No phono stage or balanced ins though - is there *anything* at this price point that has these features? I realize I can get an out board phono pre, and adapters for my balanced gear, but it sure would be nic... 
Looking for suggestions...
I'll see if that's still n the newsstands. There was an NAD M3 that came up on the classifieds for $1600 recently, That was still a little over my budget, but I'm kicking myself for not grabbing it... A 2nd hand Bryston seems like it would also be...