Looking for suggestions on speakers and an integrated amp for a second system.

I will be using these in a medium size room at lower volumes. I listen to female vocals and jazz. I like a softer sound and am open to tubes. I will be buying used and would like to keep the total budget under 3700.00.

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Showing 1 response by kahlenz

If I were starting from scratch with that budget I would look at Kef LS50 wireless speakers and mate them with a Rythmik Audio F12 sub (or maybe look into REL or even Kef's own subs but I think the Rythmik will give you more bang for the buck).

I am quite familiar with the LS50 sound (paired with a REL T/5 sub).  You are probably not going to find anything in the $2500 price range (estimate for the Kefs) that comes close (speakers plus amp and all the cables, etc.).  That will give you $1200 to find a decent sub(s).