Looking for speaker suggestions

I am currently contemplating a speaker upgrade. I do very much like my current Shahinian Hawks and will most probably keep them in reserve, as I can always use the bottoms as a pair of subs. But I have listening more recently to a lot more Jazz and classic rock.

 I initially considered trying the Klipsch Heresy III’s again after owning the II’s years ago but from what I read they have not done away with the fatiguing factor that drove me from them initially. Although my system has changed dramatically since then also.

 I am thinking of keeping them used as you can usually end up with a speaker you can’t afford new that way, perhaps they are older technology but that is the tradeoff. Wilson Puppy could fit the bill, but condition is also a factor.

Listening room is dedicated, 15 x 25. Associated electronics, ARC LS27, Levinson 333, PS Audio Direct Stream, PS Memory Player and a Magnum Dynalab MD809

Budget, ideally around 5k but can go more for something exceptional (max 10k)



Showing 1 response by wolf_garcia

You can still buy a pair of new Heresy IIIs for around 1500 bucks with a return policy (I did this a few months ago…a Ebay seller in Nevada someplace…free shipping) and I would challenge anybody to find something close to this level of efficiency (99db) and general build quality for that price. In a 3 way speaker. Ha. I laugh when people recommend an "under $4,000 speaker" to compete with these, and can only assume they haven’t heard ’em in a well sorted system. I immediately took my pair apart (I always do this with new gear…a habit that has paid off with finding disconnected caps in amps, etc., but really out of simple curiosity) and found that these things have a beautifully executed build quality with nice thick "serious" wire (surprisingly…no tiny speaker wires in these things), and a very cleanly finished no nonsense "built like a tank" feel. Designed to stay in some grandpa’s hifi system for decades (!). Regarding the sound, it seems that the inelegant adage "garbage in, garbage out" fits as I’ve been really enjoying these things with my 2 REL subs (I think you really should use subs with these…and since I like my RELs…), and a 12 watt per side single ended tube amp. If you experience "horn burnout" from these they’re likely simply revealing a system issue. They’re certainly not fatiguing (the titanium horns are clear and clean even when I tested them with my clinical sounding Mosfet SS amp) unless you prefer distorted and screechy death metal bowed on a saw…no judgment...as they have a sweetness and coherence that really surprises me, and the fact they’re assembled and designed by hillbillies in Arkansas (actually, having talked to some of these people I’ve found they’re extremely professional and knowledgeable hillbillies) is pretty cool. Regarding revealing, I roll tubes here and there in my preamp and amp and these speakers immediately reveal the differences between tube designs, as a premium speaker should.