Looking for speaker suggestions

I am currently contemplating a speaker upgrade. I do very much like my current Shahinian Hawks and will most probably keep them in reserve, as I can always use the bottoms as a pair of subs. But I have listening more recently to a lot more Jazz and classic rock.

 I initially considered trying the Klipsch Heresy III’s again after owning the II’s years ago but from what I read they have not done away with the fatiguing factor that drove me from them initially. Although my system has changed dramatically since then also.

 I am thinking of keeping them used as you can usually end up with a speaker you can’t afford new that way, perhaps they are older technology but that is the tradeoff. Wilson Puppy could fit the bill, but condition is also a factor.

Listening room is dedicated, 15 x 25. Associated electronics, ARC LS27, Levinson 333, PS Audio Direct Stream, PS Memory Player and a Magnum Dynalab MD809

Budget, ideally around 5k but can go more for something exceptional (max 10k)



Showing 1 response by oddiofyl

I am thoroughly enjoying my Heresy III,  I have had many speakers over the years and these make music, they are like listening to live music rather than a "recording" for lack of a better word  .  Maybe I just needed a change from the small monitor /sub combos I've had.  They are fun to listen to and I don't think they are one bit harsh driven with a c-j Classic 2 SE and 40 watt Quicksilver monos.   

For their price and size they do a lot more right than they do wrong.... or maybe don't do, like deep bass.  The bass is tight and has excellent pitch definition.  Bass guitar and upright bass sound true.   

Check them out if you can,   they offer a lot of good sound for your dollar.