Looking for Speaker Input

My system is Luxman C900u pre amp, 2 Luxman M900u amps configured in monoblock mode driving Focal Sopra 3 speakers.  All digital with Aurender W20SE streamer. DAC is Luxman D10x, which doubles as a CD/SACD transport.  My question for the forum is I think the Focals are the weak link.  What speakers would the forum recommend to go with the rest of my gear?

Showing 1 response by dynamiclinearity

Let me throw an alternative into the discussion. I was shocked but I found really good anti vibration feet an anything can make a huge difference. They worked under every piece of electronics I put them especially under my CD drive(it was a brand new machine). They add clarity, detail, transparency and detail. Plus I haven't done it yet but I've heard the same thing under speakers. Good ones aren't cheap but they're far less costly than new speakers.