Looking for Reliable resource ?

Have high end stereo equipment that needs to be marketed and sold; B&W 808 Speakers,Stax CD Player, Stax Earphones and Driver SRM-1/MK-2 Pro, DBX Components, Nakamichi, Accessories etc.
I’m sorry, I really don’t know of any resellers of high end stereo equipment.  You might want to try posting your question on a forum connected to marketing and reselling high end equipment.  There aren’t any that I know of but there might be some out there.

Oh hey, you could be a cheapskate and start a thread stating what equipment you have for sale and then ask people to pm you if interested!  I always like to start out expensive transactions with someone acting shady right out of the gate and trying to get around a $30 fee...

... member for 3 years, 1 discussion started (this one) and 1 response (on the amplifier review thread where the op again lists his equipment for sale.

0 transactions 

your location?

will you allow local pickup? saves potential damage, cost, ...

audition in your home?
My "GO TO" has always and forever will be Craigslist! Best of the lot. YMMV:>)