Looking for recommendations for a 'warm' sounding DAC

Would anyone know of a warm sounding DAC, budget to £2500/$3000 new or used. My ears don’t like a crisp and clinical sound, I find that Chord/dcs/Topping sound painful if loud. I know many love those crisp leading edges that these deliver but that sound does not synergise with my amp/speakers nor my sensitive ears. I know the easiest way to achieve this would be to switch speakers to a mellow speaker but this option is not available.
Any suggestions would be welcome.

Showing 2 responses by pkvintage

I came from similar sounding Dacs to yourBryston.  NAD M51, Moon 600 and a few others. That were all good. I was then introduced to the Audio Note 3.1. It was a game changer. So much more musical with no fatigue. Cymbals, piano, bells had a chime, ring that I had not heard before. A Miriad of speakers produced the same results. The difference was immediate. 


Hi Charles
"Your ears regognise it"  I never thought of it that way but that is exactly what is happening. That's a very good way to describe it. As a result of buying the AN 3.1 I ended up buying an M6 phono, a set of P4 mono blocks and a second An system based on an M2 phono. For me I would say that was deffinity a game changer. I use Tannoy MG's. I will eventually end up with a set of AN E's