Looking for Polarity Invert Feature...

Does anyone know of a decent preamp, stand-alone CD player, or DAC that has a polarity invert feature? It seems to be fairly uncommon, but I need that feature (along with good sound) if I can get it. It's important that I be able to simply push a button rather than changing the speaker leads all the time.

Thank you for any suggestions!

Showing 1 response by tweak1

The PS Audio GCP-200/GCPS is an outstanding value, discrete balanced pre, XLR/RCA- I/OS PLUS polarity control(though it is misnamed phase) on the remote!

IMHO, one needs polarity on the remote because many records/CDs are mixed up, and one needs to hear it from the listening position.

Another choice that's twice as much (MSRP) is the newish Parasound JC 2