I am using a Leben CS600 with my Kensington SE match made in heaven!
Looking for opinions on Tannoy Prestige line.
I have been looking around at the Tannoy Prestige line. I was curious about how these compare to more modern designs. I am a little burnt out on "hi-fi" and I am having an "enjoy the music" moment. I demoed a few pairs of Tannoys when I first got into audio and I remember liking them pretty well but it has been awhile scene I have heard them. I would be looking at the Kensington SE (and down) or either of the Glenair models. I do not have room or budget for anything bigger. I would be looking on the used market and have no dealer in my area. I am currently using Thiel CS2.4s.
Do they have much horn coloration? Does the bass have punch (I like hard rock and typical audiophile stuff too). How detailed are they compared to more modern designs?
Do they have much horn coloration? Does the bass have punch (I like hard rock and typical audiophile stuff too). How detailed are they compared to more modern designs?