Looking for my Final Pair!!

Been through the high end maelstrom for over 30 years and although I have enjoyed the ride, I desperately want to find speakers that exude dynamics, tone and presence.  I want to be transported to the Village Vanguard where The John Coltrane Quartet are performing any night I desire.  I want to feel the timbre of his sax 🎷. When I close my eyes I want to be enveloped by the atmosphere of the space and awash with the impact and emotion being expressed by the musicians.  I don’t want to hear what the engineers hear after they mix a recording...I want to be in the studio when the tracks are being laid down!  So far, Tannoy Heritage Arden have come to my attention, Klipsch Cornwall IV’s, JBL S4700’s or perhaps Spatial Audio X3’s?  Help

Showing 29 responses by roxy54

"At the end in reality I don’t care what you like to listen. I’m only sharing my opinion trying to help " some one " with a non biased attitude and wide open mind."

Are you laughing as hard as I am?

You said:
"but the added Cornwall heavy distortions that develops"...

What the heck are you talking about?
I found the comments he made about inductor saturation interesting. I wonder if he's right about that.
All that is proven by all of your measurement hocus pocus is that in many cases, like this one, measurements that YOU consider to be important are in practice NOT important. It looks like you’re measuring the wrong things in this case.
I looked at your posted system, and I'm certain that the measurements of those speakers are far from being without fault, but that's ok, because you like the way they sound, right? And THAT is the whole point. Period.
Hi Raul,
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I think it's a amusing though that you mention Telarc using ADS as studio monitors. I own quite a few of their recordings, and despite their reputation, I have found many of them to be disappointing sonically.
How do you dare to presume that you know what others have or have not experienced?
I don't need to say any more. You have proven your ignorance perfectly all on your own.
Oh, so now he's an expert on the amplification devices we should use! You are really something Raul! Learn to spell and there'll be no stopping you. 
Hi Ralph,
I know that you're right, and thanks. I let myself get sucked into these ridiculous arguments sometimes because of ridiculous assertions that are made, disguised as fact.
I made my position clear to you in previous posts. I have never claimed to be an engineer, or any sort of authority, quite the opposite in fact. However, I still stand by what I said concerning measurements versus perceived sound quality. One does not necessarily predict the other.
Concerning what Ralph said to me and my response, that is between the two of us.  
Ok Raul, whatever you say. If you don't want people to discuss you, don't say outrageous, unproveable things.
"Yes, I know that all of you like it but that is subjective and MUSIC is objective, accurated and its harmonics goes way beyond 16khz-20kz."

And you still wonder why people talk about you Raul? More outrageous, unsupportable statements...that's why.
"It does not makes sense to me that with all room/system different kind of limitations we add a heavy transducer frequency response limitations when the room/system chain per sé adds/lost MUSIC signal that originally came in the recording. As I said: makes no sense to me and this is not subjective but real, the IV specs talks by its self."

Stop measuring and start listening Raul.

I actually tried a bought an inexpensive set of planar magnetic supertweeters to augment my speakers last year, and found them to be disappointing. The ones that I bought sounded sort of "dry". However, 3 weeks ago, I finally bought a set of the Townshend ribbon supertweeters, and I have to say that they are as good as I had heard that they are. 
You really shouldn't talk about ignorance Raul. Don't look down on others thinking that their opinions and experience are of less value than yours. And while your holding yourself in such high regard, at least learn to spell so that we down here can understand your proclamations.
And by the way, even Townshend says that supertweeter placement on top of the speakers is fine.
You'll never learn will you? All your measurement spouting reminds me of Bible thumpers preaching on street corners. Give it up!
I am sure that if Raul researches the Focus XD, he will be able to explain to you how in fact, they are hopelessly colored and flawed.
What comes after "beating a dead horse?" I guess we'll have to wait and see...
What were you thinking? He's made it clear before that he's already gone that route.
It's easy. If the speakers are biwire, hook them up to the tweeter terminals on top of the regular speaker wire. The planar magnetics didn't come with any wire, and I had to do it myself, but the Townshends came with all of the wire and hookups. It took about 60 seconds to connect them.  
I heard the Sanders system at the Scottsdale Speakerfest 2 years ago. It was the worst of show several of us there agreed. One thing that it didn't have for certain was the ability to play loudly or with convincing dynamics. I have heard that the amplifier itself is excellent.
Beyond that though, why are you suggesting it when he has already bought the Cornwalls and is satisfied with them?