Looking for my Final Pair!!

Been through the high end maelstrom for over 30 years and although I have enjoyed the ride, I desperately want to find speakers that exude dynamics, tone and presence.  I want to be transported to the Village Vanguard where The John Coltrane Quartet are performing any night I desire.  I want to feel the timbre of his sax 🎷. When I close my eyes I want to be enveloped by the atmosphere of the space and awash with the impact and emotion being expressed by the musicians.  I don’t want to hear what the engineers hear after they mix a recording...I want to be in the studio when the tracks are being laid down!  So far, Tannoy Heritage Arden have come to my attention, Klipsch Cornwall IV’s, JBL S4700’s or perhaps Spatial Audio X3’s?  Help

Showing 29 responses by ozzy62

So I know for sure that those speakers will not be your last pair !.

How presumptuous.........
Most likely 8 ohm. But you can try the 4 ohm tap and see which one you like, won't hurt anything.

That’s too bad, because I’d bet dollars to donuts the BAT is better than the Krell.

Keep your eye towards tubes. That’s where Klipsch shines.

I have only used tube amps with the cornwalls, so I can’t comment on that.
What happened? We’re you in multiple accidents? The pair I was born with, still runnin’ strong. I think...


It's never pretty.............
I’ve owned two on your list. The X3 is a great speaker but I let it go for the CW IV. 
To my ears the Cornwall IV is more involving and sounds more like real music in the room. The X3s are great speakers and do so many things right, but the midrange just wasn’t convincing enough for me. YMMV.

But Clayton is a great guy and offers good products and great customer service. 

I, for one, love my Cornwall IVs. Most people in this thread that say how disappointed you will be have never heard them. It is likely they heard a klipsch speaker 30 years ago on a cheap receiver, poorly set up and established an “informed” opinion that they carry around to this day.

Please discount these “opinions” with extreme impunity. I look forward to hearing your personal account of how these speakers perform for you.

That several audiophiles like the Cornwall says that they like those high distortion levels, that's all.

I've had speakers from Von Schweikert, Magnepan, Piega, Wilson Audio, Montana, Reference 3a, just to name a (VERY) few. All have been special in their own way. So I guess I just woke up one morning and decided I crave the type of high distortion levels that only a Cornwall can produce.

Do you see the folly of your statement?

You're going to love that Torii. I had a Torii II driving a pair of klipschorns for a while. That was a very good combo.


Soooo...decided to keep my Krell K300i!!  Hooked it up and....really nice and detailed but no odd harmonics or anything abrasive.  This is gonna be a great match when the Cornwall’s settle in:(). They seem to eat the power up almost as much as my B&W802D3’s did 😳
 If you aren't hearing all those "distortions' that Raul was going on about, you need to listen harder. I'm sure you'll hear them eventually...........
@dave_b I'm glad to hear your report. I have been preaching the same thing for months now. And what you describe is exactly why I preferred the CW IV over the Spatial Audio X3.


So you registered on this forum yesterday to plug your “friend’s” business?

Yeah, that sounds legit.......
@bjesien I agree completely.

You have to look no further than the systems page on this forum (and others) to see that some people don't have a clue how to set up a two channel system in a room. Throwing $$ at the problem by buying expensive equipment is not the answer. Room treatment and thoughtful setup and placement is key.

But cliff12 came out of left field with a post that looks suspiciously like a shill.

I've owned two BAT preamps and a friend had a BAT SS amp for years. That said, BAT would NOT be my first choice today. Or even second. But I bet that integrated would sound pretty good and give dave a taste of tubes. But there are far better tube amps for far less money IMHO.

I'd at least try to make it work. Unless the hum is unbearable, I could put up with it at least long enough to compare it to the Krell.


I like VTL, Quicksilver, Music Reference, The Carver 275, Decware, Line Magnetic. My current amp is a NOSvalves VRD ST-45. But I have a Raven Audio Osprey on order that might unseat it.

Of all the tube amps I have owned there have only been three that I couldn't get rid of fast enough.

VAC PA 100/100
Sonic Frontiers Power 2
Cary SLI-80
You can say what you will about horns and compression drivers, and I know they aren't for everyone. But don't go spouting off about high levels of distortion with this tried and true design. If you want to diss a horn speaker you need to shake a different tree than that.

I'm sitting here listening to Buddy Miller on these nasty Cornwalls with a big grin on my face. I must be addicted to "distortions ".........
@highend666 Once you go Spatial your never go back !

I’m a walking, talking contradiction to your point. Had X3s and went back to horns. Couldn’t be happier.
Does anybody here actually read Raul's posts? Or do you (like me) just scroll right on past them as if they were a total time waster (they are)?

My suggestion for newbie audiophiles is to buy what fits in your budget once and enjoy the heck out of it...do not overthink everything!

Good advice. But did we ever follow it?