Looking For Internet Radio Recommendations

I’m looking for a Internet radio that has the following features:
1. Internet radio streaming
2. Wifi and LAN Connections
3. Standard AM/FM tuner
4. Remote
5. USB Port
6. Stereo Sound

The closest that I have come so far is Acoustic Researches ARIRC600I Internet Radio http://arinfiniteradio.com/ariradio/productinfo/?sku=ARIRC600I Unfortunately, either this radio is no longer sold or never came to market. Does anyone have any Internet Radio recommendations that meet the above requirements, but are under $250.00. Thank you for your help.

Showing 3 responses by unsound

I can't declare it's so, but I wouldn't be surprised if within the different case work, the guts of these particular tuners, the Grace and the Sangean aren't the same.
I believe both Grace and Sangean both make something that might meet all your criterion with perhaps the exception of AM. Of course you can usually access an AM simulcast via Internet.
The similarities seem to be limited to one set of components, not the entire lines.