Looking for high end RCA Plugs overseas

Has anyone been able to find an overseas supplier of high end RCA plugs similar to those manufactured by WBT etc.? I am interested in buying quantity directly from the manufacture or wholesaler in order to get my cost down on large quantities. I have located plenty of Chinese manufactures but none providing quality high end plugs. I am looking for silver & rhodium plated with the locking anodized aluminum outer barrels.

Any leads would be appreciated.
11-03-05: Nrchy
WBT is from Germany...

WBT is very expensive and as I agree that in some cases you get what you pay for, you also have a situation where you are paying for industry branding hype. My experience is that over the last two to three years very good-quality products are coming from China and the likes. The fact is most high-end connectors are likely coming from those regions and you are paying for the branding by companies like WBT. Granted they are doing there own engineering, design and quality assurance but the manufacturing is being sourced out. The challenges finding the manufactures making me high-end quality connectors and branding them for the OEM user.
11-03-05: Nrchy
WBT is from Germany...

WBT is very expensive and as I agree that in some cases you get what you pay for you get, you also have a situation where you are paying for industry branding hype. My experience is that over the last two to three years very good-quality products are coming from China and the likes. The fact is most high-end connectors are likely coming from those regions and you are paying for the branding by companies like WBT. Granted they are doing there own engineering, design and quality assurance but the manufacturing is being sourced out. The challenges finding the manufactures making me high-end quality connectors and branding them for the OEM user.
I misunderstood what you were asking for then, sorry. If you want to buy stuff made in China, probably made by slave labor, by the biggest polluter of the environment in the world, I guess I don't know what to recommend.
As opposed to buying from the US, the biggest producer of greenhouse gases in the world.
Maybe you could start with someone like Michael Percy and backtrack....like where does he get his,etc?I dont have any idea,but being a detective is usually rewarding,Bob
This off topic, but I have a couple of comments regarding your well thought out response.

Last night I went to see a movie, blah blah blah something Zorro. It was a terrible movie. The supposed setting was from 1870's-1890's. Several of the things that took place were so modern in their concept as to be absurd in that time period. In one scene several Pinkertons commented that if a certain woman were killed while spying for them under threat of blackmail that she would just be a casualty of the mission. This would not have happened during that time. People were not so cavalier about life and death. People had more meaning at that time. If you question the truth of that statement consider that it was supposedly the welfare of slaves that caused the Civil War!

My point in all of this is that if a world that condones the abuse of it's people, and the pollution of the air, and other vital resources is passing me buy, bye, or even by, I will wave as it passes and be glad to be rid of it.

Could it really be true though, that you care so little about the people who are forced to make your product, and are polluting the world to a degree unprecidented in human history that as long as you save a couple dollars, yen, Euros, or Pesos it doesn't matter??? Is your money of greater value to you that the lives of people, even your own children? If so, I pity you!
Well we are a bit off topic. I will say that China, unless there is reform, will have a devasting effect on the world.

Most audio connectors are made in China and Taiwan. As an example Vampire and Cardas parts are custom sourced in these countries. There should be way to find the name of the souce mfg. As I recall there is a "big book" listing of Asian electrical mfgs.