Looking for headphones, any suggestions?

As i will soon be going to college i think a good headphone system might be in order. My budget is in the $700 range for a headphones/amp combo. I listen to any type of music,from classical to jazz to rock and heavy metal. I've looked at antique sound lab's HB1 or MG DT OTL MKII for the amp (i like the idea of getting some tubes, and a headphone amp is the cheap way to do it), and senheiser 650/600's or AKG K701's for the headphones themselves. I'm open to any and all suggestions however, I could even go for a solid state amp if there's just an amazing one out there, but tubes jsut seem cooler (talk about a subjective term...) Thanks in advance for the help,
Be sure to have your hearing tested before habitual headphone use.
I don't use headphones 'cuz I always get carried away and turn them up too loud.
I always (real or imagined) seem to have diminished hearing after using 'phones.
As I'm going to need my ears when I get old (e.g. next month), I'm very cautious.
The AKG K1000 fits the bill nicely. It's one of the more interesting sounds I've ever heard. Extremely detailed, with great soundstaging. This unit hooks to the speaker jacks of your amp (powered by a regular amp, not headphone amp). I'd encourage you to audition it.

In response to Pmotz ("There are lots of resources on the internet, but you should absolutely listen to them before you buy"). I realize the best way to buy is by auditioning, but i have a hard time going into stores and being taken seriously, because everybody knows i'm in high-school and therefore not about to buy at full price at an audio-salon (of which there are few of in houston for whatever reason). If anybody has suggestions for getting around this problem (i.e. websites that let you trial at home) that would be extreemly helpful.
Have to agree with Sufentanil that the AKG1000 is fabulous. But by the time you buy it, a Stefans Art cable and an amp (like a used Sophia Electric Baby) you are well beyond your budget... Also getting a bit bulky for the rough and tumble of the dorm...

A Pmotz points out, a lot of this comes down to what you like having on your head. The Senns are classic as are the Grados. Another really interesting one within your price point - but no tubes at your price point - is Stax. They are great big things and you will either love them or not but they sound great and the dorm can burn down around you and you won't know it.

Keep an eye here on Agon as well as the other very good sites for used gear.
I believe there are several online sources with 30 trials...headphone.com, audioadvisor.com to name two. Everyone here has given great advise...as someone who has listened to headphones for many years the truth is that many brands sound fantastic but each is good to my ears at certain things. My old faithful is Senn HD650's, but I know several people that hate them and prefer Grado or Sony...If I were to build a $700 system I would buy the hd650's (or similar) and get either a Musical Fidelity X-Can V3 or think portable...one of Ray Samuel's models...then it could double for travel.