Aside the usual suspects, here are a few recordings off the beaten path with great performances AND fine recordings.
Andy Brown - Soloist
Charlie Haden - Jim Hall (the one with two cats on the cover)
Jason Vieaux - Images of Metheny
Jason Vieaux is a classical virtuoso guitarist who recorded some solo acoustic Metheny tunes. The recording is great although the guitar sounds a little thin without volume as I believe levels were set a little low. Turn it up and its amazing.
Andy Brown - Soloist
Charlie Haden - Jim Hall (the one with two cats on the cover)
Jason Vieaux - Images of Metheny
Jason Vieaux is a classical virtuoso guitarist who recorded some solo acoustic Metheny tunes. The recording is great although the guitar sounds a little thin without volume as I believe levels were set a little low. Turn it up and its amazing.