Looking for experiences with Rega Fono pre-amps

I'm considering a new phono stage for my Arcam c31. Wondering about my options - Rega Fono, Cambridge Azur 640P, Arcam's internal phono stage, others?

I use to have a REga Fono MM..amazing phonostage..not only by the preice...I think by making a new external PSU ( DIY ) they should get the extra body and bass it lacks comparing to the most expensive in the market.
I have been very pleased the Rega Fonos that I've sold (I'm a Rega dealer). They work/sound amazingly good for the price, especially with Rega cartridges.

With that said, what cartridge/table are you using with this?
I use the Fono and a cheap CA 540. The Rega is warmer and more textured sounding