Looking for CD player

I have $1500.00 to spend on the best CD player I can buy. I would like suggestions on what I should start to look at.

Showing 1 response by verdantaudio

If you want just a CD player, the Musical Fidelity M3s CD is a nice unit and can be had for $1500.  Good internal DAC and nice transport.  I have one that I use as a transport at Audio Shows. This is currently out of stock at the distributor but it looks like they are coming in next week.  

You ought to be able to find some used units in that price range that will be excellent.  An older Ayre CX-7xe is a nice unit.  The Music Room might have one listed or will be listing shortly as I sold one to them recently. 

Otherwise, a decent DAC and a transport like the Cambride CXC would be great.  Pair it with a CXN v2.  A little over your budget but I bet you can haggle down a bit.