Why spend that much? Just get a new NAD player for around $500. IMO all CD players sound alike! I own five of them: CAL, Denon, Marantz, NAD and Sony. They were all bought secondhand and are still working reliably! They all sound fine!
I also have three DVD players for movies that are also used as transports for a DAC (Weltion TEK Khadas). JVC, Toshiba and Sony 7000ES. All bought secondhand cheap! That's a route you can do! Just add a DAC + a Monoprice cable ($5). More choices here from the Topping D10 and up!
A $25 DVD player + $100 DAC + $5 digital cable will give you excellent and enjoyable sound! I kid you not! Don't listen to the audio snobs who only believe that you must spend $thousands for "great" digital sound! Not true!
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