Looking for an upgrade to my Ack Dack 2.0

It seems to me that my Ack Dack 2.0 is not as dynamic as I would like. I could be wrong, but I would like to try another dac that maintains the tonal warmth and richness of the Ack Dack, but with more speed and impact.

From reading these forums, it appears I should consider the Kora Hermes and possibly Audio Mirror. What about other options with the sonic signature I am looking for?
I don't have it hooked up to any preamp. It goes directly into my tubed headphone amp. I appreciate the advice, but I don't really want to have to assemble anything. My time and skills are pretty limited.
Get the Ack modified by empiricalaudio.com. I a/b'd between a stock model and a modded one--no contest.
Gongos, did you compare a modded Ack 2.0 or the 1.x model? If so, what improvements did you notice?
I compared the Modded unit to a 1.x. I talked to Steve before I sent in the Dack, and he told me it didn't make a difference if I sent in a 2.0 or a 1.x--the end results would be the same. The modded unit was much better from top to bottom. The most obvious improvements were more detail, dynamics, and an amazing 3-D presentation.

I'd imagine the results of modding your 2.0 would be similar. Or, you could sell the 2.0, buy a cheaper 1.x, and have the 1.x sent in for mods.
what transport and digital cable you are using? What is the power cord on the amp, dac and transport?
What headphones?

If you list the associated equipment and your music choice it would be easier to pin the problem.