Looking for an integrated tube amp under $2500

I’m in the market for either a used or new tube integrated amp to drive my Lawrence Audio Violin SE speakers which have an AMT tweeter. These speakers have a sensitivity of 88db and minimum impedance of 6.4 ohms. The amp should sound warm and smooth without any treble glare. The amp must be also reliable since my previous amp visited the repair shop 3 times in 4 years. I do prefer it come in black and must be 7" or less. I appreciate any recommendations.

I saw this unit for sale also. I contacted the seller concerning the age of the unit or a serial number but I haven't heard back from him. I'm also considering a Rogue Cronus Magnum.
I have one of these in a second system and it would have no issues driving your speakers.  Definitely a warm sound and built like a tank.  The footprint is more than 7 inches.  Did you mean height?  That's less than 7 inches.
