Looking for advise and recommendations on a nice record cleaner.


I have a McIntosh MT10 and a good size collection of records. 

I noticed some of my records not sounding like they use to. 

I was told that my records were dirty and to look into a good record cleaner. 

I am now here for recommendations and where to look to solve my issue. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuavnola

Showing 1 response by jm-audiophilemusiclover

Hello uavnola!

I can feel and understand your worry about your vinyls collection wellbeing and the clean surface of your beloved ones, as only the clean record can guarantee the high quality sound and pleasure while listening to it.

I live near Glasgow, and I’m afraid the vinyl washing services are not available anymore around here. This is the reason I own my record cleaner and since 2020 I’m happily use it in my home. And I can fully recommend it. This is the Vinyl Record cleaning machine - The Vinyl Source Record Cleaner ("Vinyl Maid") -


, which I can use for less than a pound per record. Luckily, I can also clean more than one record at a time (up to 5) and control the whole process easily. Another good point is its price, which is a way under 500 pounds. Just have a look on the website mentioned above. Cheers! jm-audiophile