Looking for advice

Looking for some advice on amps and preamps. Last week I purchased a set of speakers I lusted over for many years, B&W 802 series 3. This was a substantial upgrade over my Bose 902s series 4 from my college days many years ago. So now I have the B&W's running through my Adcom 555II and Adcom 565 in the bypass circuit. From my observations (granted only 1 week) the sound appears raspy and harsh, although perfectly clear. Last year was a good year financially, so I do have some $$ to upgrade. I was thinking about replacing the adcom units with something better. This is where I'm at and would like advice. Did some research on the Krell units and am thinking a used Ksa-200s would be a nice fit. Have really never heard the unit but have read a lot abount it and seems like a real tank that would last me for years. Any thoughts about how it would sound with the B&W's? Would it be a magnitute above the adcoms? Then what preamp would match the set-up? I could afford new, but would like to purchase used in excellent shape. What is the best way of purchasing used? I live in Orlando, Fl and theres nothing down here from what I've investigated so I was thinking about purchasing from someone on this site if it became available. Any insights on the best way of doing it? Perhaps I'm overly cautious, but it scares me to think of sending somebody 3 or 4 K and hoping for the best. All advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by photon46

Stvr, I understand your position. I too am in central Fla. and find the lack of quality equipment resources pitiful. There is indeed an element of risk buying used, but some common sense measures can make things less risky. First, I write the seller and ask some questions: where will you ship from, can you use Fed Ex, can you double box, and (or) any other unanswered questions the ad didn't cover. Pay attention to the general tone of the response. Are they prompt, business-like, and intelligent sounding? I've found the general tone and manner of correspondence is often indicative of their ability to conduct a transaction. I admit that I also like to see positive feedback, but this isn't an absolute if it's a new seller. Of the several items I've bought from ads on the web, only one has been less than satisfactory. The preamp I bought was advertised to be in perfect order, but arrived DOA. When the manufacturer repaired it, I was told it could have easily been damage by UPS dropping the box. So that will forever be an unknown. I also have had my purchases shipped cod. Pay with a US Postal Service money order. If fraud is perpetrated, they have commited a federal offense. If we want relative certainty, we have to buy new. But with the huge savings that used offers, you can get more for your money used.