Looking for advice - Mola Mola Kaluga amp has no output

Hello all and happy Easter. Hoping to get some tips from experienced Agoners. My Mola Mola Kaluga is giving some trouble - no sound. It is powering up but is cold to the touch even after hours. We were out on a weekend vacation and when I returned it was on standby mode (maybe power failure). It is plugged into my PS Audio Stellar Powerplant 3. I am completely puzzled because it is powering up fine, i changed the fuse as well, to no avail. Any clues from Mola Mola owners out there? I have written to Mola Mola and awaiting response as well. Thanks in advance for any help!


Good luck @musicmatters1206 .  I am still puzzled how two monoblocks died at the same time with the same symptoms...it cannot be a fluke and it must mean that something feeding into the monoblocks must be responsible; could be the powerplant or the preamp.  Would be worth making sure that both are checked and tested carefully so you don't damage the repaired amp.

It hasn't been my experience that a dealer/distributor or the shipper has any pull with customs to speed up their process.

@deone brings up an interesting point of how both Mola Mola mono block amps stopped working at the same time.

I agree this issue needs to be further investigated including a conversion with GTT.

@deone, you must be right, but i am refraining from making any judgment before Hypex gets back to me. They were all busy with Munich High End so this is going to take some time. This is going to very useful information for all of us, as this goes to the heart of power conditioning/protection/supply topic. I will be sure to keep you all posted. I am working with good partners at GTT/Mola Mola. Thanks

Must add: I just bought a Primare SPA25 as a temporary solution while the Mola Molas are out. This multichannel receiver will eventually go to my HT system and replace a Yama Aventage receiver there, which i was planning for anyway.

The SPA25 is quite unique for a receiver - very good build quality, quality dacs and amp modules, roon ready coming soon and has dirac live for use in HT system later. It's still burning in, but must say sounds reasonably good. If curious, check it out online. Must say, for such a high build quality its reasonably priced, but getting it to work was a total nightmare - very poor manual and you cannot set up without a TV (i hate that)...once set up, everything is good. Roon ready supposed to come in June according to distributor i spoke to.