Looking for advice - Mola Mola Kaluga amp has no output

Hello all and happy Easter. Hoping to get some tips from experienced Agoners. My Mola Mola Kaluga is giving some trouble - no sound. It is powering up but is cold to the touch even after hours. We were out on a weekend vacation and when I returned it was on standby mode (maybe power failure). It is plugged into my PS Audio Stellar Powerplant 3. I am completely puzzled because it is powering up fine, i changed the fuse as well, to no avail. Any clues from Mola Mola owners out there? I have written to Mola Mola and awaiting response as well. Thanks in advance for any help!


Question: Aren't the Kaluga monoblocks?  if so, isn't it strange that neither of them is producing any output?  Can you borrow any power amp and test the preamp out?

@musicmatters1206, I agree with @deone above that is very strange that both Mola Mola amps stopped working at the same time. Is there a possibility the issue could be with the preamp? Please keep us posted thanks



All, apologies it took me a while as we were in Europe on vacation. Current situation:

1. GTT very helpful, i had to ship the amps directly to Hypex and paid in advance for power supplies, with no guarantee that this indeed is a power supply problem. If it is something else i am assured my payment will be adjusted towards whatever the problem is.

2. It is stuck in customs now for 2 weeks. Once it gets to. Hypex i hope to get some updates.

3. I contacted PS Audio about Stellar. Their first answer is that Stellar is more of a regenerator than a protector - quite different from what the product description depicts on their own website. Either way, they have no insurance available for connected equipment, unlike many much less expensive alternatives who offer this cover. 

My learning from this: NEVER plug in amps to anything except the wall. Everything i had connected directly are totally fine. 

I will share more as i learn more. Needless to say, HUGE thanks to so many of you who helped me through the process....Much appreciated.

@musicmatters1206, It is no fun having equipment stuck in customs.   I suggest you call GTT and ask what can you do to get it unstuck.  I also suggest you call your shipper to see if they can help and to ensure all the paperwork is correct.  

Of course, the delay might because of the volume of packages.  In any case, I suggest you be proactive about getting it through customs.