Looking For Advice After Dumb Vandy Purchase

Good evening fellow enthusiasts. Looking for advice after just making a stupid purchasing error. I usually do good research before making any transaction but I fell in love hard and got burned.

Just paid for some used Vandersteen Quatro for a "decent" price but failed to notice the purchase dis not include the crossovers. I live in the boonies so dont have a dealer handy to maybe just make my gear work without the crossovers, and it seems now the cost of new ones are a staggering $1295.00. This was for sure not in my budget as I am needing a couple of other pieces to complete this puzzle. Worse yet...once I take delivery of the Quatros...I wont have a way to even give them the once over sound wise to make sure they sound fine. 

Any advice? I am bummed beyond all get out at this moment. 
Thanks for the replies! I shot a note to Vandersteen for potential options as well. Hopefully I will be able to come up with an option that doesnt cost nearly half of what I paid for the speakers themselves. Live and learn.
just wondering if it is possible to use and integrated amp with any of the Vandys that require the use of a hi-pass filter.  
if it is possible to use and integrated amp with any of the Vandys that require the use of a hi-pass filter.
The hi-pass filter can insert to the integrated tape loop or pre-out/main-in.
So I am guessing you bought the Quattro cloth pair off of Audiogon that were advertised with an ARC integrated with modifications to insert the correct value caps to effect the high pass. They were advertised that way for a reason.

the M5 does have bypassed WIMA, DBS battery, and normally AudioQuest fire or better pigtails and DIP switches so it works with just about any amplifier. Pretty sure you can’t diy and save $1,200... must be the new math.

you should be calling Vandersteen and IMO modify the Rogues ( which btw sound fantastic w Quattro ) Richard can tell you what cap he uses in his $55k monoblocks 

lots of super high end gear w WIMA caps bypassed correctly - see Aesthetix, Brinkmann, etc
Vandersteen since 1977 for a reason