Looking for a tube phono pre

Looking for a tube phono pre in the 2500 to 3k price range. Currently running a Sutherland Insight LPS. Using a PrimaLuna EVO 400 integrated and VPI Prime scout with Hana ML. I have a Chinook on order at Upscale but they are dragging their feet and I have read some reliability issue post with the Chinooks, so I can cancel the order. Anyone compare the Rogue to a Chinook? Thanks


Showing 2 responses by tyray

Has anyone ever had a MANLEY LABS CHINOOK SPECIAL EDITION MKII and can speak of it’s attributes, sound quality vs the regular MANLEY LABS CHINOOK or other phono stages? I’m interested because they do come up used from time to time.


Telefunken smooth plate (Dynaco branded) 12AX7’s and 2 NOS Brimar 12AU7

Can you provide links to these two tube choices. Thanks