Looking for a tube phono pre

Looking for a tube phono pre in the 2500 to 3k price range. Currently running a Sutherland Insight LPS. Using a PrimaLuna EVO 400 integrated and VPI Prime scout with Hana ML. I have a Chinook on order at Upscale but they are dragging their feet and I have read some reliability issue post with the Chinooks, so I can cancel the order. Anyone compare the Rogue to a Chinook? Thanks


Showing 1 response by bsavage

Another recommendation for Zesto. I have owned the Andros 1.2 for almost 7 years and have enjoyed it a great deal. It sounds wonderful, has been 100% reliable, is easily adjusted and has the flexibility for loading and gain to accommodate just about any cartridge.

A used Andros 1.2 would be well within your price range and even a used Andros 2, which has the new power supply, could be had at the upper end of your price range or close to it.