Looking for a tube phono pre

Looking for a tube phono pre in the 2500 to 3k price range. Currently running a Sutherland Insight LPS. Using a PrimaLuna EVO 400 integrated and VPI Prime scout with Hana ML. I have a Chinook on order at Upscale but they are dragging their feet and I have read some reliability issue post with the Chinooks, so I can cancel the order. Anyone compare the Rogue to a Chinook? Thanks


Showing 2 responses by big_greg

The Chinook is a really nice phono stage for the price.  I bought mine pre-owned in 2018 and it has seen a lot of use with no issues.  I'd cancel your order with Upscale and jump on this https://echohifi.com/details/17222/Manley-Laboratories_Chinook.  They won't drag their feet, it will be shipped out tomorrow.

I eventually upgraded to a Herron VTPH-2A, but they are now unobtainable.  I still use the Chinook every morning while getting ready for work.

@jmphotography I suggest clicking the buy button. Things go fast from their web site. You don't have to pay when you do, and you can always change your mind after talking to them, it just puts you first in line.